Just keep walking away from it all
I don't have a plan
For calling you back ever at all
Keep walking away from it all

‘Cause I shouldn't have to tell you
Every time I see you
You know I don't want you around
And I shouldn't have to tell you
Every time I see you
I'm getting sick of putting you down

You keep sticking around in my side
I just wanna know when you will go
Once you arrive
Keep sticking around in my side

Keep hanging around
And I'll keep walking away

‘Cause I shouldn't have to tell you
Every time I see you
You know I don't want you around
And I shouldn't have to tell you
Every time I see you
I'm getting sick of putting you down

Keep walking away from it all
Keep walking away

Ain't no talking to
No getting rid of you
Once you’ve got your foot in the door

Keep hanging around
I’II keep walking away

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